Patron in chief


Professor Saeed Quraishy

Vice Chancellor - DUHS



Professor Anisuddin Bhatti


Professor Amjad Siraj Memon

Vice Chancellor - JSMU

Professor Syed Shahid Noor

HoD Orthopedics LNH

organizing committee


Prof. Sadqa Aftab

Chairperson & HoD Anesthesiology SMBBIT

Prof. M. Zubair

Co-Chair & Prof of Surgery DUHS

Dr. M. Sabir Memon

Secretary & Executive Director SMBBIT

scientific Committee


Prof. Sajida Qureshi

Chairperson & Prof of Surgery DUHS

Prof. Badaruddin Sahito

Co-Chair & Prof of Orthopedics DUHS

Dr. Waryam Saleh

Secretary & Vascular Surgeon SMBBIT

Workshop Committee


Dr. M. Fahad Tariq Berlas

Chairperson & HoD Vascular & Endovascular Surgery SMBBIT

Dr. Qurat Ul Ain Tahir

Co-Chair & In-Charge Emergency SMBBIT

Ms. Anum Wahab

Secretary & Manager Administration

Registration Committee


Dr. Syed Akmal Sultan

Chairperson & HoD Orthopedics SMBBIT

Dr. Kailash Kumar

Co-Chair & Consultant Radiologist SMBBIT

Ms. Sonam Gauba

Secretary & Senior Manager HR

Exhibition Committee


Prof. Atiq Ahmed Khan

Chairperson & HoD Neurosurgery

Dr Zarnab Mary

Co-Chair & Manager Store & Pharmacy SMBBIT

Mr. Haris Ur Rehman

Secretary & Assistant Manager Planning & Procurement

Finance Committee


Dr. Hassan Kashif

Chairperson & HoD Plastic Surgery SMBBIT

Dr. Syed Zafar Mehdi

Co-Chair & Consultant Anesthetist SMBBIT

Mr. Daniyal Aslam

Secretary & Senior Manager Finance SMBBIT

Marketing & Publication Committee


Dr. Azer Sheikh

Chairperson & HoD Emergency Medicine SMBBIT

Dr. Abid Abbas Sheikh

Co-Chair & Manager Marketing SMBBIT

Ms. Zahra J. Naqvi

Secretary & HoD Mental Health SMBBIT

Accommodation & Transport Committee


Dr. Yousuf Memon

Chairperson & HoD Interventional Radiology SMBBIT

Dr. Vicky Kumar

Co-Chair & Consultant Interventional Radiologist SMBBIT

Mr. Haris Ur Rehman

Secretary & Assistant Manager Planning & Procurement SMBBIT

Audio & Visual Committee


Dr. Fizza Iftikhar

Chairperson & HoD Thoracic Surgery SMBBIT

Dr. Faheem Ahmed

Co-Chair & JR. Consultant Orthopedic SMBBIT

Dr. Vikash Kumar

Secretary & JR. Consultant Orthopedic SMBBIT

Event & Food Committee


Prof. Shahjahan Katpar

Chairperson & HoD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery DUHS & SMBBIT

Dr. Najam Uddin Rajper

Co-Chair & Vascular Surgery SMBBIT

Dr. Rabia Asim

Secretary & Manager OT SMBBIT

Social Activities Committee


Dr. Uroosa Asim

Chairperson & HoD Radiology SMBBIT

Dr. Afshan Bano

Co-Chair & HoD Quality Assurance SMBBIT

Ms. Sara Hussam

Secretary & Senior Nutrition & Dietetics SMBBIT

Security Committee


Prof. Mazhar Ul Hasan

Chairperson & HoD Opthalmology Unit 2 DUHS & SMBBIT

Dr. Tanveer Ahmed Chachar

Co-Chair & HoD General Administration SMBBIT

Dr. Umair Dilawar

Secretary & Consultant Pulmonologist and In-Charge Ventilation Bay SMBBIT